We have all heard them, “no running”, “no glass in the pool”, “don’t go in the deep end if you can’t swim”, and the list goes on and on.
Think about many times have you seen scraped knees, crying children (or adults for that matter), or lumps on the noggin?
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, literally.
Swimming pool safety rules
Here are some basic swimming pool rules you can use to prevent avoidable injuries and some creative ways to encourage them.
- If you can’t swim then wear a life jacket or stay in the shallow end (sounds simple but kids will work their way to the deep end every time.)
- No glass around or in the pool.
- Don’t dive unless it’s in the deep end (assuming that your pool is deep enough to dive.)
- Don’t run around the pool deck.
- No rough horseplaying in the pool or near the pool.
- Don’t swim alone.
- If it’s dark then the pool lights have to be on in the pool and you should have lights around the deck.
- Stay out of the pool if you are intoxicated and judgement is impaired.
- Reapply sunscreen often if you are swimming during the day time.
- No electrical devices near the pool (projectors, radios, or anything that you have to plug in.)
Ideas for encouraging rules
You shouldn’t feel shy about explaining / encouraging the rules, people’s lives literally depend on it.
There are a few ways that you can approach conveying and encouraging that may make it easier: